Mama Patch Cloth Pad
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Lets talk garlic remedieslast week, we talked about the health benefits of garlic, mainly from a standpoint of using it to treat common, acute illnesses. Garlic is now the go to herb in this house for a cold, sore throat or any type of infection or virus. Id love to share with you what Ive learned about this amazing herb Now, the really hard core herb users will usually recommend eating raw garlic cloves. Ha That would be out of the question with my kids. I needed kinder, gentler, tastier garlic treatmentsways of using garlic that dont cause my children to run screaming from the kitchen. After much experimenting, Im now much more comfortable and confident at using garlic to treat our common illnessesand my kids approve of and will actually ask for their garlic treatments Really and truly Im gonna give you the full run down on the best ways to use garlic Be sure to look for the printable garlic remedy sheet full of recipes and tips at the end of this post. When I first began my experiments with garlic, it didnt panned out to be the miraculous cure all that I had read about, Im pretty sure user error and laziness factored into my early results. But even then, the times that we used garlic, we did notice some improvement, which kept me interested in learning more. The not so successful attempts at treating myself and my family with garlic eventually led to more and more success and understanding of how garlic works. Mafia 2 Download Playboy Pictures'>Mafia 2 Download Playboy Pictures. First Time Failure. For instance, the first time I attempted to use garlic as a natural remedy was for a bladder infection. I rarely get a bladder infectionthis was probably like the third in my whole life. But it was a doozy I awoke to a raging infection one morning. Quickly researching, I found that eating raw garlic was a recommended treatment. For the next three days, I reluctantly downed raw garlic cloves every four hours, in addition to eating lots and lots of cooked onions another member of the allium family, and great for inflammation. I was feeling much, much better, but I still was aware of some irritation in my bladder. And I stunkI reeked from my garlic protocol. Feeling rather defeated, and no longer willing to continue, I scheduled an appointment with my Dr. She confirmed that I did have a bladder infection, but said You must have just come down with itthe bacteria arent even throwing nitrites yet Apparently, bacteria produce nitrites, which is how bladder infections are normally detectedso something good was happeningWhen I told her that Id had the infection for three days, but had been taking garlic and onions to treat it, she was very impressed She said I wish I had been taught about herbs in medical school. Herbs are the basis of modern medicine, but they didnt teach us anything about using them. Knowing that the garlic had done some good, I was encouraged, and set out to do more research on using garlic. This experiment taught me that using garlic internally is great at boosting the immune system, but could I use it to kill the bacteria or virusfunguslt By the way, I have since treated myself very successfully using another much easiernatural bladder infection remedy link will open on a new page. Discovering the Secrets of Garlic Remedies. After my failure that was not a failure, I had a light bulb moment while researching garlic raw garlic loses much of its impressive and well documented antibioticanti fungalanti viral potency when exposed to heat and acid. And if I remember my high school biology class correctly, the stomach is a pretty warm, acidic place. So, downing raw cloves did boost my immune systemresponse, but it wasnt the best approach for taking that powerful antibiotic into my blood stream after all. The Secret to Using Garlic as an Antibiotic Allicin, is the strongest known antibiotic component in garlic. It is created from an enzyme reaction between the compounds in garlic when its crushed or sliced. Since its a constantly changing compound, it is erydifficult for bacteria, viruses, and other microbes to learn how to beat the systemsomething that they can do much more easily with single component antibiotics. Allicin is not stomach friendlythe stomach acids shut it down. Which is probably in your best interest, because your digestive system is supposed to be powered by friendly bacteria that you dont really want to kill off. The great news is that allicin CAN be absorbed through the skin, directly into the bloodstream. This was a major breakthrough for me in learning how to use garlic remedies effectively See below for my favorite way to use garlic topically as an antibiotic. The Two Secrets to Using Garlic Effectively 1 Use it at the first sign of an illness, and use it frequently. Infections work by multiplying in your body at rapid ratesso the earlier you can hit it, the smaller their army, and the less damage they can do. The earlier you treat, the more impact your going to have on the duration and severity of the illness. A cold or sore throat that has been bother you for a day or two is much more likely to become an acute infection, as the germs colonize and take over at an amazingly rapid rate. Hours count. 2 Use garlic both internally and externally. This will give you the best of both worlds fighting the infection in the blood, as well as boosting the immune response. Devil Kings Para Pc here. How To Use Garlic as an Antibiotic This is our garlic remedy of choice. I have used this successfully intreating colds, sore throats, ear achesinfections and even the flu. Modern medicine now employs transdermal patches to dose hormones, medications, and nicotineso just think of the garlic press as an herbal transdermal patch. The Garlic Press. It just takes a minute to put together a garlic press. This is how I use raw garlic for the best antibiotic punch. Basically, you put down a spot of oil, smish some garlic, and fold the paper towel up around itjust takes a quick minute. Especially if you use a hammer. To Use Your Garlic Press. Press against the skin near the area that you are focusing treatment on. I generally prefer the neck or chest area. The neck is just easy access to lots of blood vessels, and the lymph glands. The throat is usually one of the first areas that we start feeling symptoms. This is because the airways are generally the first place that we encounter incoming germsso the body is created with an incredible immune response system for identifying and neutralizing attacks right inside the nasal and throat passages. The lymph glands there are part of the immune system. They house specialized T cells that are your bodys sentinels. In a healthy body with a well functioning primary immune system, these Killer T Cells recognize and overcome invading pathogens, and send out messages to every cell in the body telling the cells how to kill off that pathogen.